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Target is expanding removal of Pride merchandise across the country, workers say, in a potential win for anti-LGBTQ protestors
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Adidas event shut down by protestors as factory wages become hot-button issue for the sneaker and garment industry
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Morton’s has been flooded with phone calls and fake reservations after it said Brett Kavanaugh had a ‘right’ to ‘eat dinner’ without protestors gathering outside
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Standing among protestors after the fall of Roe vs. Wade, AOC calls on Biden to create abortion clinics on federal land
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Police have started moving in to clear out protestors blocking a major Canada-US bridge for five days over COVID-19 vaccine mandates
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Weeks After Police First Cleared Protestors, the President’s Neighborhood Is Once Again a Battleground in the Racial Justice Movement
Seattle Protestors Are Occupying 6 City Blocks As An ‘Autonomous Zone.’ Some Fear a Police Crackdown Is Imminent
Trump warned protestors would’ve faced ‘vicious dogs’ and ‘ominous weapons’ if crowd breached White House fence during George Floyd rally
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Protestors Breach U.S. Embassy Compound in Baghdad
Three Protestors Have Been Killed in Clashes as Authorities Try to Reopen Iraq’s Main Port
Blizzard says its ‘relationships in China had no influence on our decision’ to punish an esports athlete who voiced his support for Hong Kong protestors
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9 People Showed Up for a KKK Rally in Dayton, Ohio. They Were Drowned Out by 600 Protestors
France’s ‘Yellow Vest’ Protestors March for 20th Consecutive Weekend Despite Bans and Injuries
Protestors Take to the Streets of London Demanding a New Vote on Brexit
‘Yellow Vest’ Protestors Take to the Streets of France for the 16th Straight Weekend
Re-Energized ‘Yellow Vest’ Protestors March in France for 15th Straight Weekend
Protestors Against Racial Hatred Counter White Supremacists on Charlottesville Rally Anniversary
The Man Accused of Driving into the Charlottesville Protestors Faces a First-Degree Murder Charge
UC Davis spent $175,000 to bury search results after cops pepper-sprayed protestors
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Black Tucson Cop: Anti-Trump Protestors “The Most Hateful People I’ve Ever Seen”
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Protestors Stage Sit-In At Baltimore City Hall Over Top Cop Hiring
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