Socially active children more likely to drink, smoke during adulthood
Experiencing parental domestic violence as a child linked to mental illness in adulthood
‘Functioning fat’ in adulthood may hold the key to a longer life
The More Bonkers Search Party Got, the More Authentically It Captured Millennial Adulthood
Intense childhood anxiety may lead to psychosis during adulthood
Happiness during young adulthood can protect against dementia later on
Parental income impacts children’s health well into adulthood
Why is daydreaming so hard in adulthood? Mastering the lost art can benefit the mind
Drinking during young adulthood linked to blood vessels aging faster, heart disease
Just 10 percent of children outgrow ADHD in adulthood
Childhood lead exposure can result in unhealthy personalities, less success in adulthood
Overweight teenagers more likely to develop diabetes, suffer a heart attack during adulthood
A happy childhood does not guarantee good mental health in adulthood
Study finds prehistoric saber-toothed tigers lived with mom well into adulthood
High-fat diet in childhood may lead to mental problems, Alzheimer’s in adulthood
Students who have great relationships with their teachers are healthier in adulthood
Mom’s high-fat diet before pregnancy may alter her baby’s taste buds, leading to obesity in adulthood
Children whose parents divorce have lower ‘love hormone’ levels in adulthood
Timid Babies Likely To Be Introverts In Adulthood, Study Finds
Study: During Adolescence, The Brain ‘Rewires’ To Prepare For Adulthood
Child’s Play: Physical Activity In Preschool May Influence Heart Health In Adulthood
Study: Gene Linked To Alzheimer’s May Impact Cognition Well Before Adulthood
Study: Preterm Babies Less Likely To Enjoy Romance, Sex In Adulthood
Teens’ Same-Sex Friendships Key To Romantic Satisfaction In Adulthood, Study Finds
Pay Attention: Easily-Distracted Kindergarteners Earn Less In Adulthood, Study Finds
Heavy Drinking In Teen Years Causes Changes In Brain Linked To Psychological Problems In Adulthood
Why Being an Adolescent Loser Pays Off in Adulthood
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